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8 Best WordPress Accessibility Plugins (Free & Pro)

best wordpress accessibility plugins

Accessibility not only caters to individuals with disabilities but also enhances the overall user experience for everyone.

With the increasing emphasis on inclusivity, incorporating accessibility features has become a best practice for website owners and developers.

WordPress, as one of the most popular content management systems, offers a plethora of plugins designed to make your website more accessible.

In this article, we’ll explore the best WordPress accessibility plugins that empower you to create a website that is user-friendly and compliant with accessibility standards.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a business owner managing your own site, these plugins provide simple yet effective solutions to ensure better accessibility.

What Are Accessibility Plugins?

Accessibility plugins are tools designed to enhance the inclusivity of websites, making them more user-friendly and accessible to individuals with diverse abilities and needs.

In the context of WordPress, accessibility plugins are extensions or add-ons that integrate seamlessly with the platform, providing features and functionalities that address various aspects of web accessibility.

The primary goal of these plugins is to remove barriers that might hinder users with disabilities from accessing and interacting with online content.

These plugins typically offer a range of features, such as alternative text for images, keyboard navigation enhancements, color contrast adjustments, font size customization, and other elements that contribute to a more inclusive web environment.

Benefits of Accessibility Plugins

Accessibility plugins for WordPress offer a myriad of benefits, contributing to a more inclusive and user-friendly online experience.

Here are some key benefits & advantages:

  • Inclusivity: Accessibility plugins make websites more inclusive by ensuring that individuals with disabilities can navigate, understand, and interact with content. This broadens the audience’s reach and provides equal access to information and services.
  • Compliance with Standards: Many accessibility plugins are designed to align with established accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This compliance not only helps meet legal requirements but also sets a foundation for a universally accessible website.
  • Improved User Experience: By implementing features like alternative text for images, keyboard navigation enhancements, and customizable font sizes, accessibility plugins contribute to an enhanced overall user experience. These improvements benefit all users, not just those with disabilities.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines value accessibility, and websites that prioritize it often see improved search engine rankings. Accessibility features provided by plugins, such as descriptive alt text for images, contribute positively to SEO efforts.
  • Broader Audience Reach: As accessibility plugins cater to diverse needs, they enable websites to cater to a wider audience, including individuals with various disabilities. This expanded reach can be particularly important for businesses and organizations looking to connect with a diverse user base.
  • Enhanced Reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to accessibility reflects positively on a website or brand. Users appreciate websites that prioritize inclusivity, leading to an enhanced reputation and increased trust among visitors.
  • Legal Compliance: Accessibility is increasingly becoming a legal requirement, and non-compliance may lead to legal issues. Accessibility plugins assist in meeting these legal standards, reducing the risk of legal challenges related to web accessibility.
  • Future-Proofing: Considering accessibility during the development phase and using plugins to maintain or enhance it ensures that your website is prepared for future changes in technology and regulations. This proactive approach saves time and resources in the long run.
  • Adaptability: Accessibility plugins are often customizable, allowing website owners to tailor the features to their specific audience and content. This adaptability ensures that the accessibility measures implemented align with the unique needs of the website and its users.

The adoption of accessibility plugins for WordPress goes beyond meeting compliance standards; it actively contributes to a more accessible, user-friendly, and socially responsible online environment.

Best Accessibility Plugins for WordPress

Now you know about the accessibility plugin definition and it’s time to explore some of the best ones available in the market. Let’s discover them with their unique features and work environment.

1. Dracula Dark Mode

Dracula Dark Mode is an accessibility plugin tailored for WordPress, offering a seamless transformation of your site into an eye-catching dark mode theme.

Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, it goes beyond a simple dark theme by adapting to your website’s design and significantly reducing eye strain for visitors.

This plugin stands out as more than just a visual enhancement. With Dracula Dark Mode, users can instantly witness and modify theme adjustments, assign distinct colors for different pages, and design a toggle button that seamlessly integrates with the overall look of their site.

Designed to be user-friendly and versatile, Dracula Dark Mode simplifies the process of incorporating dark mode into your website. Its adaptive nature ensures a harmonious integration with your site’s design.

Consider upgrading today to elevate your website’s accessibility and provide visitors with an optimal dark mode experience.

Key Features
  • AI-Powered Color Generator
  • Reading Mode
  • Frontend Dark Mode
  • Admin Dashboard Dark Mode
  • Dark to Light Mode
  • Multiple Color Presets
  • Time-Based Dark Mode
  • Color Adjustments
  • Custom Toggle Button Builder
  • Dark Mode Live Edit Widget
  • Page-Specific Dark Mode
  • Dark Mode-Based Typography

2. One Click Accessibility

The One Click Accessibility toolbar stands out as a swift and efficient WordPress plugin designed to enhance the accessibility of your website.

Recognizing the importance of accessibility, this tool is adept at swiftly addressing common issues without necessitating extensive content modifications.

This plugin distinguishes itself by incorporating a range of accessibility features, making it a valuable asset for website owners seeking to create a more inclusive online environment.

Notably, it minimizes the setup requirements, ensuring a user-friendly experience that doesn’t demand advanced technical expertise.

With this plugin, website owners can enjoy the convenience of an accessible website without the need for intricate adjustments or the assistance of accessibility experts.

Its user-friendly nature and efficiency make it a top choice for those aiming to prioritize accessibility without compromising on ease of use.

Key Features
  • Resize font
  • Image Customization (Grayscale, Color, Contrast, etc)
  • Enable skip to content
  • Add outline focus for focusable elements
  • Remove the target attribute from links
  • Add landmark roles to all links
  • Customizer for style adjustment

3. WP Accessibility

WP Accessibility is yet another simple WordPress plugin designed to tackle common accessibility issues found in WordPress themes. Although it may not solve all accessibility problems without modifying the theme directly, it offers a range of useful features with minimal setup or technical expertise required.

It’s important to note that WP Accessibility does not aim to make your site fully compatible with accessibility guidelines. Instead, it focuses on providing additional accessibility features to enhance user experience.

One notable aspect of WP Accessibility is its flexibility. Users have the option to disable all features based on their theme’s specific needs.

This adaptability ensures that the plugin seamlessly integrates with various themes without imposing unnecessary changes.

For users with advanced customization skills, WP Accessibility allows fine-tuning of functions that modify stylesheets.

This can be achieved by employing custom stylesheets and placing them in the theme directory, providing a tailored and personalized approach to addressing accessibility concerns.

Key Features
  • Skip Links with User-Defined Targets
  • Language and Text Direction Attributes
  • Add Image Long Description
  • Classic Editor Image alt Text
  • Add Post Titles To “Read More” Links
  • Remove Tab Index from Elements
  • Remove Redundant Title Attributes

4. Accessibility by UserWay

Web accessibility can be a daunting challenge, especially for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of compliance standards. To simplify the process and enhance accessibility for all users, UserWay offers an Accessibility Widget, specifically designed for WordPress websites.

This widget not only streamlines the user experience but also ensures adherence to key accessibility standards, including WCAG 2.1, ATAG 2.0, European EN 301 549, ADA, and Section 508.

By integrating UserWay’s Accessibility Widget, websites can proactively address potential accessibility issues.

The widget acts as a comprehensive solution, making intelligent modifications to elements on the site that may be non-compliant, hindering keyboard-only navigation, or violating ADA regulations.

This proactive approach strengthens the overall accessibility of the website, contributing to a more inclusive online environment.

One of the noteworthy achievements of UserWay is its significant impact on website accessibility. Numerous websites have become more accessible, thanks to the implementation of UserWay’s solutions.

5. Web Accessibility By accessiBe

AccessiBe stands out as the market leader in the realm of web accessibility, offering cutting-edge solutions and services.

At the core of their offerings is accessWidget, an AI-powered solution designed to maintain compliance with ADA and WCAG standards while significantly improving the usability of any website.

This innovative tool not only elevates brand perception but also expands the potential audience by making websites accessible to 15% of the global population with disabilities.

Moreover, accessWidget has earned the trust of tens of thousands of businesses and industry leaders, serving as a reliable means to mitigate legal risks associated with accessibility.

To facilitate seamless integration of their accessibility solution, accessiBe provides a free WordPress plugin.

This plugin streamlines the installation and configuration process, making it more accessible for website owners to enhance their sites without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

6. WP Accessibility Helper (WAH)

Web accessibility is a crucial aspect of inclusive design, ensuring that websites are accessible to individuals with disabilities. The goal is to eliminate barriers and provide equal access to information and functionality for all users.

WP Accessibility Helper is a WordPress plugin dedicated to enhancing web accessibility. It addresses various accessibility challenges, including font size, contrast, titles, aria-label tags, and alt text for images.

One key feature of WP Accessibility Helper is its capability to adjust font size. This functionality is essential for users with visual impairments or those who may benefit from larger text for improved readability.

WP Accessibility Helper helps optimize these elements, contributing to a more meaningful and accessible presentation of content for users who rely on such tools.

Additionally, the plugin addresses the importance of alternative text (alt text) for images. Alt text serves as a textual description of images, enabling users with visual impairments to understand the content.

WP Accessibility Helper facilitates the implementation of descriptive alt text, enhancing the overall accessibility of websites.

7. Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker

Equalize Digital’s Accessibility Checker is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance the accessibility of your website by providing real-time error and warning notifications directly on your post and page edit screen.

This tool automatically scans your content whenever you save a draft or publish, offering immediate feedback on the accessibility of your posts and pages.

The Accessibility Checker conducts a comprehensive analysis, evaluating your content against over 40 different accessibility checks aligned with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 success criteria. This ensures a thorough examination of your website’s accessibility standards.

For each flagged error or warning, the plugin provides detailed information, including the specific code that triggered the issue.

The severity of each item is clearly identified as an error or warning, allowing you to prioritize and address accessibility issues effectively.

The plugin goes beyond mere notification by offering extensive documentation to guide you through the process of fixing accessibility problems on your website.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this feature ensures that you have the resources needed for successful remediation.

Key Features
  • Accessibility Statement
  • Bulk scanning
  • Scan Additional Post Types
  • Centralized Open Issues List
  • User Restrictions on Ignore
  • Rename Simplified Summary
  • Auto Insertion of Simplified Summary

8. Enable Accessibility

Enable Accessibility with an advanced WordPress plugin, recognized as the forefront of web accessibility components. It encompasses a diverse array of tools aimed at enhancing website accessibility for users with impairments or disabilities.

The core functionality of this plugin lies in empowering users to customize their browsing experience effortlessly.

By providing fixed settings tailored to individual needs, Enable Accessibility ensures that people with disabilities can navigate websites seamlessly, fostering inclusivity in the digital space.

In a commendable act of solidarity, the Enable company extends free access to their accessibility extension.

This gesture is aimed at supporting and benefiting the 1.6 million visitors who experience disabilities, reinforcing the commitment to make the online environment more accessible for everyone.

For WordPress users, integration of the Enable Accessibility Toolbar becomes a straightforward process with the help of this plugin.

The seamless integration allows website owners to incorporate the toolbar effortlessly, further promoting a universally accessible web experience.

Key Features
  • Font Size Control
  • Keyboard Navigation
  • Contrast Displays: High contrast / Black and White / Black and Yellow
  • Links Highlight
  • Stop Animations


Enhancing website accessibility is a crucial aspect of creating an inclusive online environment. WordPress, being a widely used platform, benefits greatly from the availability of those various accessibility plugins.

These plugins play a pivotal role in ensuring that websites are accessible to users of all abilities, thereby promoting a more inclusive online experience.

As website owners and developers, incorporating these plugins not only aligns with ethical practices but also enhances the overall user experience, fostering a more diverse and accessible digital landscape.