With the help of the File Uploader Module, users can upload files to the specific selected Google Drive folder allocated by you. In this guide, we will elaborate on how to properly use and manage the File Uploader Module.
Step-1: Choose File Uploader Module
The first step is creating a shortcode file uploader from the shortcode builder. Head over to Shortcode Builder from the left middle side of your WordPress dashboard > Add new shortcode > select File Uploader from the Types tab > change shortcode title by clicking the pencil button if you want. Click Next.
Step-2: Configure the Sources Tab
On the Sources Tab select folders where you want to permit users to upload files & folders by clicking the plus sign button. On the right side, your selected files will be displayed. You can drag them up or down to change their orders.
You might notice the Use Private Folder option which allows users to navigate through the file they are permitted to (when enabled).
- All Folders & Files: If All Folders & Files is enabled, visitors can navigate through all the folders & files of all the linked Google Drive accounts.
- Use Private Files: On the other hand, if Use Private Files is enabled, users can only navigate through the file & folder they are permitted to. Click Next.
Step-3: Configuring Filter Tab
Now you have taken to the Filter Tab where you can allow/ disallow files by their extensions.
With the help of the Filter Tab, you can simply allow/ disallow any files by the extensions you want. For example, you want to allow/ disallow (.jpg, .png, .ppt, .doc files). Simply type the extensions in the Allowed Extensions box and you get to go. Keep in mind, When “Allow all” is enabled, exceptions will not be uploaded.
- Allowed Extensions: Enter comma (,) separated file extensions to allow, such as “jpg, png, gif”. Leave empty to upload all extension files.
- Max File Uploads: Enter the maximum number of files you want to allow users to upload.
- Max File Size(MB): Enter the maximum file upload size in MB.
- Min File Size(MB): Enter the minimum file upload size in MB.
Step-4: Configuring Advanced Tab
In the Advanced Tab, you can customize some advanced settings as per your requirement.
- Module Container: Set the module container width and height. You can use any valid CSS unit (pixels, percentage), eg ‘360px’, ‘780px’, ‘80%’. Keep blank for a default value.
- Overwrite Files: Enable to overwrite files with the same name.
- Enable Folder Upload: Allow users to upload folders. Click Next when done.
- Enable File Description: Allow users to add a description to the uploaded files.
- Upload Immediately: Start uploading files immediately after they are selected.
- Show Upload Label Text: Display an upload label text that will be visible under the upload button.
- File Rename: Set the file renaming option by adding prebuilt tags as suffixes or prefixes. Click Next.
Step-5: Configuring Notifications Tab
Now you will be redirected to the Notifications tab where you will customize notification settings configuration.
- Enable Notifications: Enable email notifications to get notified on various user activities (upload, download, delete, etc).
- Upload Notification: Receive an email notification whenever someone uploaded files through this module.
- Notification Recipients: Enter the email address where the notifications will be sent. Add multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma (,). Placeholder example: %admin_email%, %user_email%
- Skip Current User Notification: Enable to skip the notification for the user that executes the action.
Step-6: Configuring Permissions Tab
User Permissions Settings is the final step. Where you can manually allocate display options.
- Display for: Using this option you can allow permission of your files & folder to everyone and logged-in users. You can also filter manually by user roles or any specific users.
- Show Access Denied Message: Show a message to users who don’t have access to the module. You can enter a message you want to show to users who don’t have access to the module.
Click Save Changes > copy the shortcode from the shortcode builder page. Now you can use the shortcode to display the file browser module inside any posts or pages.
This is how the uploader will look like once you embed it inside any of your pages or posts.